Laminated floors

The company FOKS is a leading operator at the wholesale market of laminated floors. Our clients are tradecompanies all over Ukraine. FOKS is an exclusive and official representative of such leading manufacturers of laminated floor as BALTERIO, KAINDLKRONOSTARBERRY ALLOCROYALTY.


Top managers of «Parquet. Laminated Floors» Department attend the main leading world exhibitions: Domotex (Hannover), BAU (Munich), Budma (Poznan), Batimat (Paris), Heimtextil (Frankfurt-on-Mine), DomotexAsia (Shankhai), MosBuild, FlooringRussia (Moscow) etc, which allows to trace constantly the latest world tendencies.

The company’s specialists learn about the peculiarities of production processes, the latest developments in techniques and design immediately in themanufacturers’ factories, forming up in such a way the demand on the product, adapted according to tastes and traditionsof Ukrainian consumers. Visiting presentations and trainings held by manufacturers, they gain the knowledge and experience that is approved by certificates. The gained experience allows them to make operative consultations on goods peculiarities and solve any other questions.

We always hold training seminars and presentations in cooperation with our manufacturers for our partners, as well as regularly inform them aboutnew developments.


·         thickness: 7 mm – 12 mm;

·         durability: 23\31 кл.(АС3), 32 кл.(АС4), 33 кл.(АС5), 34кл.(АС6);

·         structure of surface: smooth, wood pours, rustic, glossy, «oiled», synchronized with print, exotic, hand scraped;

·         design: «wooden», «tiles style», «like natural stone».


·         Big stock inventory;

·         Direct supply from manufacturers;

·         Free deliverance around Ukraine;

·         Offering credit conditions;

·         All products certified;

·         Organization of Goods exhibitions (introduce the samples and supply with trade equipment);

·         Presentations and trainings held by the department staff;

·         Organization of presentations for clients in cooperation with representatives of manufacturers’ factories;

·         Organization and holding actions;

·         Promoters’ support;

·         Ability for operatively ordered work.